Sleek, Elegant & Secure uPVC Windows in Epsom

Sleek, Elegant & Secure uPVC Windows in Epsom

Interested in high quality uPVC windows for your home? At Marathon Windows, we supply Epsom, Surrey, London, and the South-East with premium uPVC windows.

Bay and Bow Windows Surrey

In Epsom, Surrey and the surrounding areas, Marathon Windows provides premium uPVC windows in Leatherhead, Mitcham, Nork, Purley, Surrey, and Woking that are designed for the highest levels of energy efficiency, toughness, and security. Our uPVC windows are made by one of the top manufacturers in the sector, Eurocell, to withstand inclement weather and offer dependable defence against wind, rain, and temperature changes.

Our uPVC windows are unique in that they are made using premium materials and cutting edge manufacturing processes that guarantee long lasting functionality and little maintenance. You may have years of great comfort and energy savings with Marathon Windows!

Our team of professionals are always available to assist you in selecting the ideal uPVC windows for your home and to offer skilled installation services that guarantee a simple and stress free process. You can be confident that the uPVC windows you receive from us will be of the highest quality and will meet or surpass your expectations.

uPVC Windows Surrey

uPVC Windows Epsom

Instant uPVC Window Prices

Marathon Windows offers competitive pricing in Surrey that are affordable and available to all homeowners because we think everyone should have access to high quality uPVC windows without breaking the bank.

uPVC Window Benefits

  • Thermally efficient
  • Industry leading profiles
  • Secure designs
  • Weatherproof
  • Low maintenance



Fensa Double Glazing Eurocell Double Glazing


Energy Efficient

Our uPVC windows are made with energy-saving features that lessen heat loss in your home and minimise your energy costs. Our windows can keep your house cool in the summer and warm in the winter thanks to their superior insulation capabilities, offering year-round comfort and savings.

Market Leading Profiles

Did you know that the multi chambered profile in our industry leading windows is created to offer exceptional insulation? This aids with keeping your home interior from overheating during the warmer months and preventing heat from escaping during the colder months. Consequently, you may reduce energy use and energy costs, making uPVC windows one of the most economical and environmentally friendly options!

Secure Designs

Because we recognise how crucial security is when it comes to uPVC windows, we have built them with security in mind. Our windows have strong frames and reinforced locking mechanisms, which offer exceptional resistance to breaking and entering.

The multipoint locking mechanism is one of the distinguishing qualities of our UPVC windows. With the help of this feature, which secures the window along its whole frame, any potential break ins will be considerably more difficult. Additionally, the internal glazing beads in our UPVC windows give an additional layer of security by preventing the glass from being removed from the outside.

You might find it helpful to know that all of our locking mechanisms are Secured by Design, so you can be confident the windows are made from only the best materials. We regularly conduct rigorous testing that demonstrate uPVC’s capacity to withstand any forced entry and protect your home and family from severe weather throughout the year.

Thermal Efficient Double Glazing Epsom Surrey


uPVC is a very tough material that can remain intact despite inclement weather, such as cold temperatures, strong winds, and heavy rain. uPVC windows from Marathon Windows are made to last and offer enduring protection and security for residences and commercial buildings.

Low Maintenance

Our windows are convenient and hassle free since they require little upkeep. Unlike other types of windows, uPVC windows can be cleaned with soap and water and don’t need to be painted or stained. With the right care, this means that they can continue to perform and look good for years.

Wide Range of Colours

Choose from a wide range of colours such as White, Grey, Cream, Irish Oak, Golden Oak, Rosewood, Chartwell Green, and Light Oak to match your personal preferences and the aesthetics of your home. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, you can also ask us for bespoke colours that will exactly meet your preferences and needs!

Versatile Profiles

We offer conventional sizes, custom sizes, arched or circular shapes, and many other shapes and sizes for our uPVC windows. Our Surrey uPVC windows offer unmatched versatility to meet any home’s style and requirements, whether you’re searching for classic sash windows, modern casement windows, or unusual shapes and patterns.

Your uPVC windows can also be customised with a variety of hardware choices, such as handles, hinges, and locking mechanisms, to meet your specific style and security needs.

By working with us, you can completely personalise your uPVC windows, resulting in a stunning, secure, and energy efficient window solution that raises the value and comfort of your house!

Casement Windows Epsom Surrey

uPVC Window Prices Epsom & Surrey

uPVC windows from Marathon Windows can instantly transform your house. Our secure, energy efficient, low maintenance windows are created to increase the comfort, beauty, and value of your house.

Please utilise our online quote page for a free quote. To arrange a free consultation and learn how we can help you reach your home renovation goals, call us at 01372 740706, or fill out our online contact form right away!

Industry Leading Accreditations